Making of phantasmagoria game
Making of phantasmagoria game

making of phantasmagoria game

Marek have been feeding mental patients from Marek's asylum to extradimensional Starfish Aliens because no one would miss them.

  • Bury Your Disabled: Paul Allen Warner and Dr.
  • Which is a part of the Hecatomb's motivation for killing people. Curtis Craig received this in one form or another for his entire life. Once Trevor realizes how much danger they're in, though, all jokes are off: his last email to Curtis is a horror-stricken "FORGET WYNTECH AND GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" In his final scene, a deeply-shaken Trevor decides to go to the cops and blow the whistle, soberly warning Curtis to stay as far away from the action as possible so he doesn't get hurt. However, as the story goes on and the bodies start piling up, Trevor's witticisms start seeming like deliberate attempts to keep him and Curtis from going insane from stress as they delve deeper into the mystery.
  • Break the Comedian: Trevor, a Deadpan Snarker extraordinaire who enjoys things like comical puppets, trading cheeky emails with Curtis and telling spectacularly ridiculous stories.
  • Boring, but Practical: In a gothic supernatural horror game, what's your most used item? Magic powers? A cross? A gun? No, it's a run of the mill screwdriver, and you'll use it at least once in every chapter.
  • The woman who is encouraging him to try bondage does, however, come off as a complete nutcase and the term "safeword" never comes into the picture. Curtis actually visits an S&M club, and his psychologist finds nothing inherently wrong with Curtis's passing interest in bondage photos.

    making of phantasmagoria game making of phantasmagoria game

    His fate may qualify as And I Must Scream.

  • Paul Allen Warner ends up as a head with tendrils connecting to him.
  • It even has a beating heart on the outside of his chest.
  • The Hecatomb looks as if he was put together by someone with only the crudest knowledge of human anatomy.
  • The ultimate fate of Doctor Harburg, who gets melted into a pile of goo.
  • However, Paul Allen Warner's status gets hijacked by the Hecatomb, and Paul Allen Warner is treated like nothing more than an afterthought by the end of the game. It is up to you if Curtis gets Jocilyn or not.
  • Betty and Veronica: Jocilyn is the Betty (timid, steady girlfriend), and Therese is the Veronica (seductive, BDSM enthusiast).
  • It is a wonder that Curtis can even function after what he had been through there, among other things. Paul Allen Warner even brags to Curtis that Curtis was sent there so they could study him more closely. Marek were in league with Paul Allen Warner and WynTech. It also turns out the mental institution and Dr. Then again, it is hard to say if she would have believed him or not, let alone done something about it. Harburg why he did not want to go into one when she advised him to. This is why Curtis did not want to go into a mental institution when his problems started coming up.
  • Bedlam House: The mental institution Curtis was sent to is this trope on so many levels.
  • It's eventually revealed that Curtis is an alien made from dead rats and that could have given him a telepathic connection toward rats.
  • The Beast Master: Curtis is somehow able to command his rat to fetch his wallet out from under the couch, using a granola bar to lure it in.
  • See Power of Love further down the page for the outcome Curtis has to battle all his personal demons, ending with his abusive mother.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: the final confrontation with the Hecatomb.
  • Curtis's therapist is pretty useless, and her reflections on their sessions behind his back make it pretty clear she's not particularly interested in his wellbeing.
  • Bob is the Sitcom Archnemesis that everyone in-game hates, and when he gets killed the characters seem more affected by such a gruesome death being done in their office more than the actual person who was killed.
  • As a result, he has a hard time connecting with people, but gets the consolation prize of being sexually desirable to everyone he meets, man or woman.
  • Artificial Human: Curtis, to replace the real Curtis.
  • And Show It to You: The hallucination of Therese can kill Curtis by ripping out his heart, which is then held next to him.

  • Making of phantasmagoria game