Muv luv characters girls
Muv luv characters girls

muv luv characters girls

Sagiri is a talented local doctor and friend of the Ayamine family. Known as the "Three Idiots", they tend to make numerous mistakes, blame others for those mistakes and then insult them. Meiya's maids under the supervision of Mana. Minagi Ebisu, Tatsumi Kamiyo and Yukino Tomoe

  • Shotacon: She seemed quite taken with Mikoto in Extra.
  • Ninja Maid: Played absolutely straight in Extra, to the point of being able to appear and disappear ninja-style.
  • Normally, she acts quite refined and friendly, but when irritated she'll begin to speak quite crassly, hinting that she might really be fairly violent. She's quite devoted to Meiya and seems to act like a big sister. Tsukuyomi is Meiya's personal attendant and highly qualified at a number of tasks.
  • Loophole Abuse: Uses one to get Takeru to Meiya's wedding so he can break it up.
  • Leitmotif: Theory for a Speedy Welcome and Farewell.
  • Captain Ersatz: He's a living tribute to Initial D and its protagonist.
  • Badass Driver: Somehow, he can drive around a sixty-meter long limo in a crowded neighborhood.
  • She gets away with this because everyone is a little scared of her.
  • Stripperiffic: As a teacher, she wears a top that leaves her entire midriff exposed and is basically a fishnet covering for her breasts.
  • Shipper on Deck: In Extra she's quite fond of teasing Marimo about liking younger guys, especially Shirogane.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Has more than a streak of this in Extra, if the cavalier notions of nearly running over Sumika in the beginning are any indication.
  • Drives Like Crazy: Considers red lights a suggestion and attempts to drag race Takahashi's limousine.
  • Cosplay Otaku Girl: She likes forcing Marimo into various costumes, such as Morrigan, a reindeer, and in the ongoing manga adaptation of Alternative, Mami.
  • unique idea of proper attire for a school teacher and is constantly messing with both students and her best friend, Marimo. Occasionally, she interrupts her class to start lecturing about her work, which none of the class has the slightest chance of understanding. Marimo's best friend as well as a surprisingly renowned physicist, Yuuko is a genius and a nutcase. In her route Takeru calls her out on it and tells her to drop the act, something which is extremely-rare in anime and related media.
  • Marth Debuted in Smash Bros: She appears onscreen way ahead of the rest of cast of Extra, with a cameo in the Kimi ga Nozomu Eien anime, and a greater role in the Next Season OVA as Akane's confidante.
  • Image Song: Kizu wa Kaseki ni Narenai Keredo ("Won't Let My Wounds Scar"), which plays in her all-ages Extra end.
  • In Extra, it's because she fears it makes her like her mother, who she doesn't get along with.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She has a lot of trouble accepting sympathy and support.
  • She is best friends with Akane Suzumiya, the class representative of 3-D. She tends to get into fights with Ayamine due to their similar personalities. She's very fussy and a stickler for rules, though she's also surprisingly competitive. Sakaki is the class representative of Takeru's class.
  • 8 Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative Chronicles.
  • 7 Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative: Schwarzesmarken.
  • 6 Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Unlimited: The Day After.
  • 5 Characters introduced in Muv-Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse.
  • 4 Characters Introduced in Muv-Luv Altered Fable.
  • 1.12 Minagi Ebisu, Tatsumi Kamiyo and Yukino Tomoe.

    muv luv characters girls

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